I first began my journey into radio whilst still at school, it came via CB Radio (Citizens Band) in the late 70’s (AM, FM and SSB), it is to this introduction to 11 metres that I owe my current interest in radio.
Therefore it is only fair that I recognise that fact, In recent years I have added a President Grant II, followed by the CRT ss9900 v4 which was purchased during the Covid lockdown back in April 2020, to my list of radios.
I was so impressed by the CRT ss9900 that I have added a further one to my collection in April 2021 and intend to use this “mobile” this year.
Covid 19 has brought many people back to 27mhz, as most of us were forced to stay at home during the initial first countrywide lockdown, I think many dusted down their old kit and got back to it.
There are many nets held across the UK and the band seems more active if you look around, particularly on SSB, which is now legal in the UK (For all you old hands out there thinking of coming back to the bands).
MyCRT ss9900 was used on both 11 and 10 metres during openings during the late spring and summer period 2020, and it has been great fun to reconnect with this part of the spectrum and it is still a major part of my Radio Hobby.
You can find me on the Bands (normally mid band) under the DX callsign 163UK19.